How about the following story out of Sanford, Florida this past week? Sanford is the place where the ever-so-innocent black teen, Trayvon Martin, was killed by George Zimmerman (half Jewish, half Peruvian). The black Gangsta wannabee tried to bash his head in on the concrete sidewalk, forcing Zimmerman to drill him in the gut to save his own life (probably saving not only himself but other victims down the road).
Last Sunday night, a mob of crazy blacks — men, woman, young and old – attacked a White couple (only photos of the adult perps were released, but at least four other black minors were also involved). They knocked the husband out cold, beat the daylights out of his six-month pregnant wife, Ashley Flournoy, putting the woman in the hospital. Her mother and sister tried to come to her aid, but were beaten senseless themselves. One of the blacks was reported by witnesses to have yelled out: “I don’t care if you’re pregnant!” Imagine that.
Not that long after the Trayvon Martin “incident,” a fifty year-old White man was pulled out of his car by two Sanford Gangstas, dragged off into the woods and bashed almost dead with a GD hammer. That, too, failed to get reported by the traitorous national media — including the so-called “conservative” FOX news. They all know this kind of thing is going on across the country.
Just stop a minute and think: If the races were reversed in any of this, you would hear about it on all the channels. You know it, too. Doesn’t matter about the Sanford, Florida, connection. Doesn’t matter one bit if Whites are attacked in the streets or in our homes. Nothing matters anymore but continued, non-stop White demonization in the media.

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